Thursday, December 23, 2010

Poem for the Troops

I was randomly inspired the other day to write a poem honoring the United States and our military. I never write poems but this one came out okay in my opinion. It can be easily tweaked for any day but is meant as a reflection for Christmas. I believe it touches on the most important themes regarding this great country and the heroes that make it all possible. Here it is:

On this Christmas we thank the soldiers that fight

For without them we would not be here tonight

All of the brave men and women in uniform

From the Revolutionary War to the Desert Storm

And those who were deployed after the 9/11 attack—

the young men and women fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq

America is just and good

Even if she is too often misunderstood

Our military brings liberty to oppressed people everywhere

and we have so much that we are willing to share

Our soldiers do much more than kill the bad guys

They go where people need help and answer their cries

To people in need they bring medicine and food

keeping human pain and suffering around the world subdued

But despite all of this America is still hated

“Down with America” it is too often stated

Enemies of freedom are always abound

But the United States military has never backed down

From Adolph Hitler to Saddam Hussein

The U.S. military has brought an end to dictators' evil reign

The United States has been the guardian of freedom for all

Just listen to Reagan demand that Mr. Gorbachev tear down that wall

Great people risked their sacred honor to sign

Our founding documents in which our values are enshrined

We hold these truths to be self evident

and we are proud of the country they represent

We believe in the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

And to no other political doctrine will we acquiesce

Thank God for America where we all live free

The land where we determine our own destiny

To all the soldiers that fought and died

Our hearts are filled with pride

We are honored that soldiers paid the price of freedom with their lives

So that some other American survives

Indeed, it seems unfair

that some give their lives so that others do not have to care

We are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights

These values have held true for countless nights

We take this freedom for granted everyday

Why think about it anyway?

Tonight we honor all who have served

For their hero status is well deserved

Thousands of American soldiers are not with their families this year

What if they don't return home, their loved ones fear

As long as our brave soldiers continue to fight

And the U.S. maintains its military might

We will continue to be free—

To have the right to disagree

The United States of America will succeed

Even if it means we have to bleed

Our cause is just

and victory is a must

For success we will pray

God bless the United States of America today

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